

How Oxygen Plant Manufactures Oxygen | Introduction, Working Principle, Cryogenic Oxygen Plant, Advantages, Dis-Advantages, Applications

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Oxygen plants are mechanical frameworks intended to produce oxygen. They regularly use air as a feedstock and separate it from different segments of air utilizing pressure swing absorber or layer division strategies. Such plants are distinct from cryogenic separation plants which are isolated and catch every one of the parts of air.

Working Principle:


How oxygen manufacturing plant extract it from the atmosphere? 

  • The whole process is like this, at first air is sucked inside a compressor, there is  a filter before that so that there are no impurities  like dust particles if you look inside a compressor there are two valves the inlet valve success air in and then with With the help of a piston the air  is compressed to a very high pressure the compressed air is then released through the discharge.
  • While one thing that you have to understand is that, when air is compressed it heats up because when you pressure is a gas by compressing it into a container you putting all those molecules into a smaller volume of space and your adding potential energy by the compression than when you release that gas back to atmospheric pressure that energy has to go somewhere so it's given off in the form of heat.
  • That means the air that is released through the discharge was is a warm air, Now this whole compressed and needs to be cooled for that it is passed through freezing unit and that is performed with the co-operation of liquid nitrogen.
  • Liquid nitrogen is very cold it can freeze anything instantly here you have to understand that liquid nitrogen is not mixed with the compressed air rather than the discharge pipe through which the compressed air flows out that by was covered with coil tubing liquid nitrogen is pumped into that coiled tube that is in direct touch with the discharge through which compressed air is flowing out.
Extraction of Oxygen
Fig. Oxygen Extraction Plant Setup

  • After coming in touch with liquid nitrogen the compressed air becomes cold the temperature falls down up to -200 degree Celsius.
  • The cold compressed air is then sent to separate, here carbon dioxide is separated as dry as the air that is now free from carbon the dioxide is sent through our expansion turbine when the air is allowed to expand here the air turns into a liquid it is called liquified air its temperatures around - 200 degrees Celsius.

How Oxygen is stored?

  • In the end, liquid air is sent into an air distillation column where it is slowly warming up  the because it then separates various components of air like Nitrogen, Argon, Oxygen, etc.
  • As you may know, the air is a mixture of different gases so in this distillation column, different gases that are present in the air is separated by slowly warming up the liquefied air, nitrogen get separated first because nitrogen boils around -196 after that argon gets separated.
  • Because Argon Boils at -186 degrees Celsius, oxygen which has a higher boiling point is left behind and is collected separately.
  • Now please don't get confused because -196 is much cooler than -186 oxygen boils around -182 to -185 so it will look at these three temperature obviously -185 is higher compared to other two that means Oxygen has a higher boiling point at the bottom of the distillation column you will see liquid oxygen settles down.

How Oxygen is transported?

  • Argon gas is supplied for industrial use particularly in the iron and steel manufacturing industries for welding and casting. Nitrogen gas is utilized to make fertilizers and food packaging industries, So basically from this entire process in the end you will get liquid oxygen, liquid oxygen is then transported by filling it into special containers such as aluminium cylinder.
Photo by Tom Fisk from Pexels
  • If it is required in larger quantities then cryogenic containers are used so always remember oxygen for industrial use is delivered to customers in liquid form and they are stored in cylinders and tanks at high pressure it is said that the pressure at which liquid oxygen is stored in the container is up to 3000 PSI or 200 bar.
  • For those of you who don't know what is 3000 PSI, PSI is a unit of pressure expressed in pounds of force per square inch of area in Layman's term anything more than one lot of pressure.
  • Liquid oxygen is stored in the cylinders at around 3000 PSI these cylinders come with a pressure regulator that allows you to send the output pressure a patient in hospital needs around 50 PSI which allows low supply of oxygen.
  • Oxygen cylinders come in different sizes and can be pretty heavy the largest size is around 1.5 m tall and contains over 7800 litres of liquid oxygen, In the Covid-19 conditions, patient in hospital can require up to 130 litres of oxygen per minutes  that means a large cylinder would last about an hour.
  • Now cryogenic oxygen come in different capacities from 3016 Litres to 61620 Litres. The reason these tanks are called cryogenic tanks is because the term cryogenic is used for “anything that is produced or stored below the temperature of - 150 ℃ to absolute zero”.

  • As per the laws of thermodynamics, absolute zero cannot be reached anyhow the meaning of the word cryogenic is anything that is produced or stored below the temperature of  -150 degree Celsius, Since liquid oxygen is formed at -185 to -182  that is why these large oxygen tanks are named as cryogenic oxygen tanks. 

Cryogenic Oxygen Plant:

A cryogenic oxygen plant is a mechanical plant that makes sub-atomic oxygen at moderately high pureness. Oxygen is the most well-known component in the world's atmosphere and the second-biggest modern gas.

Cryogenic Oxygen Plants Comprises of following:


  • Cyclone Air Filter: The essential airflow containing the particulates enters from the lower part of the cyclone and is constrained into a spiral turn by fixed spinner vanes. The optional airflow enters from the highest point of the cyclone and moves to descend toward the base, intercepting the particulate from the essential air.
  • Air Compressor (Rotary Screw Type): An air compressor is a pneumatic gadget that converts power (utilizing an electric engine, diesel, or gas motor, and so on) into potential energy put away in compressed air. By one of a few strategies, an air compressor forces increasingly more air into a capacity tank, expanding the pressing factor.
  • Process Skid: A modular interaction skid is an independent process framework that has been incorporated into a casing or "module" for simple transportation and reconciliation. Modular interaction skids can contain whole cycle frameworks or individual interaction applications; including cluster blending or mixing, deferred separation, dissolvable recuperation, and limited scope refining.
  • Specially Select adsorbent materials: A material having the limit or propensity to adsorb another substance. Sorbent material - a material that sorbs another substance; for example that has the limit or propensity to take it up by one or the other ingestion or adsorption.
  • Cold Box Assembly: Turbines situated at the foundation of the virus box give refrigeration to the interaction. A surge of high-pressure gas from the primary warmth exchangers is cooled and extended to a low pressing factor in the turbine. This virus air gets back to the waste stream of the warmth exchanger to infuse refrigeration.
  • Air Expander: A turboexpander is a pivoting machine with a development turbine that changes over the energy contained in gas into mechanical work, similar to a steam or gas turbine. For this situation, the blower or generator fills in as stacking or slowing down a gadget a sink for the expander's energy. The expander standard depends on changing active energy over to helpful energy/power by utilizing turbines and electrical generators. As the gas streams from the high-pressure stream into the super expander, the gas turns the turbine, which is coupled to a generator that produces power.
  • Liquid Oxygen Compression: In spite of the fact that it's denser than hydrogen, oxygen likewise should be compressed into a fluid to fit in a smaller, lighter tank. To transform oxygen into its fluid state, it is cooled to a temperature of -297 degrees Fahrenheit ( -183 degrees Celsius).
  • Oxygen & Nitrogen Cylinder filling Ramp: Cylinder  Filling Ramp High-pressure chamber filling slope or filling complex is utilized for filling chambers with gases at pressures up to 450 bar. Cylinder filling slope this incline is an illustration of a uniquely designed filling incline, which incorporates a control framework, two pressing factor measures, two temperature checks, and two wellbeing valves.
  • Oxygen & Nitrogen Product Analyzer: An oxygen analyzer for stack gas estimates the substance of oxygen in the fumes gas after ignition. It gives information to help control the fuel-air proportion in the burning cycle. The fuel-air proportion in the burning cycle is vital while enhancing ignition and evaporator effectiveness. Nitrogen analyzers/all-out nitrogen analyzers can uncover significant data on everything from composts, water quality, food, plant science, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. These instruments, which are regularly joined with different kinds of essential analyzers, a measure developed gases that arise following the warm disintegration of an example.
  • Electric Induction Motors: An Induction motor or asynchronous motor is an AC electric engine wherein the electric flow in the rotor expected to deliver force is gotten by electromagnetic selection from the alluring field of the stator winding. An induction motor can consequently be made without electrical associations with the rotor.
  • Interconnecting pipelines: Interconnecting Pipeline implies a transportation pipeline that straightforwardly interfaces with the Union pipeline framework; gave, nonetheless, that interconnection to Union's pipeline framework for the motivations behind getting Transportation Services will not characterize Shipper as having an Interconnecting Pipeline.
  • Set of insulation materials: Several thermal protection materials are utilized economically for fishing vessels, yet few are totally agreeable for this reason. The principal issues are the absence of adequate mechanical strength and dampness retention.

Desirable Characteristics of insulation materials are as follows:

  • Thermal Conductivity: It should have low thermal conductivity.
  • Moisture vapour permeability: Have very low moisture-vapour permeability
  • Resistance/Installation Features: Should be water, chemicals resistant and be durable.
  • Safety Features: Should be non-flammable,non-explosive.


  • Complete automation and simplicity of operation.
  • Staffed oversight isn't needed during activity.
  • Enhanced failure safety and reliability.
  • Quick start and stop.
  • Moderate dimensions and lightweight.
  • Low noise level.
  • Extended operational life.
  • Low operating costs.
  • No special workshop requirements.
  • Easy establishment and coordination into a current air framework.

Dis - Advantages:

  • Relativity low oxygen purity - 93-95% for adsorption and 30-45% for membrane plants.
  • Limited capacity.
  • High power consumption.


  • Metal gas welding, cutting and brazing - The utilization of oxygen in gas-fire tasks, like metal welding, cutting and brazing is perhaps the most critical and normal uses of this gas. Oxygen permits producing high-temperature fire in welding lights subsequently guaranteeing superior grade and speed of work execution.
  • Metal industry - Oxygen is intensely utilized in the metal business where it assists with expanding consuming temperature by the creation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and essentially improve the general interaction productivity.
  • Chemical and petrochemical industries - In the synthetic and petrochemical enterprises, oxygen is broadly utilized for oxidation of crude synthetic compounds for recuperation of nitric corrosive, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, vinyl chloride, and other significant substance compounds.
  • Oil and gas industry - In the oil and gas industry, oxygen discovers application as a method for consistent improvement and upgrade of oil-and-gas stream properties. Oxygen is likewise utilized for boosting the creation limit of oil breaking plants, the productivity of high power segments handling, just as for the decrease of sulfuric stores in treatment facilities.
  • Fish farming - The utilization of oxygen in the fish cultivating helps increment the endurance and richness proportions and decrease the hatching time frame. Alongside fish culture, oxygen is applied for shrimps, crabs, and mussels raising.
  • Glass manufacture - In glass heaters, oxygen is adequately utilized for consuming temperature increment and consuming cycles improvement.
  • Waste management - The utilization of oxygen in incinerators permits essentially expanded fire temperatures and in the long run guarantees improved expense effectiveness and incinerator creation limit.
  • Medicine - Medical oxygen treatment might be directed to patients for different reasons, for example, low oxygen immersion or to ease respiratory pain.

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